Monday, August 2, 2010

Tips for deciding on an assisted living community

Moving into an assisted living community is a big change in life. The emotions involved can lead people to make hasty decisions, but there is a great degree of difference between retirement communities and the levels of care they provide.

The pricing structures can also vary greatly. The first thing you should do when visiting Colorado springs assisted living communities is to ask a lot of questions. Just like anything new, you should be as informed as possible going into the process, especially when it comes to how they will be using the money spent on care. You ask about entrance fees, income requirements and any other charges for all levels of care. Remember that in general, insurance and government pensions do not cover Colorado Springs retirement community costs.

Most Colorado Springs assisted living communities have entrance fees as well as different pricing levels. The fees from some services may be included, or charged in a per use basis depending on the retirement community. So you will want to ask what services are included, who decides when what services are needed, and how much notice they will give you when moving into another bracket. No question is silly: after asking about meals and healthcare, ask if there are any other charges you have not thought about.

Another important consideration is touring the complete care package, from independent living to long term assisted living. Good Colorado Springs assisted living employees should know all the retiree's names and treat everyone respectfully. Assisted living sites should also have some sort of medical practitioner on site at all times. Knowing all levels of care is important, but some people can be put-off seeing advanced assisted living when they do not yet need it.

A final step in ensuring that a retirement community will be a happy place is to check on the social and recreational opportunities available. Look at the calendar to see what kind of events take place. Does the community offer religious services? Fun activities include group outings, interest clubs and dining opportunities. A tour is always a good idea, where you can sample the food, events and living facilities. Most important is finding a good match between what your loved one is used to and expects, and what kinds of activities are available.

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